Tips for Health and Fitness When Life Gets Busy

Health and fitness are important for everyone, but it can be difficult to prioritize these goals when life gets hectic. Here are some helpful tips for staying healthy and fit even when your schedule is full. Make it a goal to work out in the morning. This way, you can start the day off on a good note and feel accomplished before you even get out of bed.

Eat a Healthy Diet

The food you eat is the foundation for health and fitness. A well-balanced diet, paired with appropriate exercise, can help you avoid diseases and feel your best. It’s important to choose foods that are low in sodium (found in table salt, processed foods) and added sugars. It’s also a good idea to choose a variety of foods with different nutrients.

Try to eat smaller meals throughout the day and keep healthy snacks in your bag. Be sure to include some healthy fats – like avocado, olive and canola oils, nuts and seeds — as they provide energy and allow your body to absorb vitamins.

Get Enough Sleep

The modern-day lifestyle often makes it challenging to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep on a regular basis. But this is a crucial part of health and fitness, so it’s important to prioritize sleeping and avoid high-intensity workouts on days when you know that your quality of sleep will be less than optimal.

Fortunately, getting enough restful sleep doesn’t just improve your mood and cognitive function; it also enhances your fitness abilities by allowing your body to recover from exercise. During deep sleep, growth hormones are released to stimulate muscle and bone growth and repair. In addition, sleeping properly may help you reduce stress levels and increase your ability to fight off illnesses, according to recent research.

Creating a consistent wake-sleep cycle that you can stick to on a daily basis is the best way to get your recommended amount of sleep. This includes avoiding caffeine, staying away from electronic screens and going to bed at a reasonable time every night.

Stay Active

Being active can improve your sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, strengthen bones and muscles, lower blood pressure, and help you maintain or lose weight. It can also reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Make physical activity part of your daily routine and vary activities to keep things interesting. Walk instead of taking the elevator at work, ride your bike to lunch rather than driving, jog around the soccer field during your kids’ practices, play tag in the yard, dance along to an aerobics DVD, or go for a hike with friends.

Find ways to be physically active even when the weather is bad. Housework, like vacuuming, sweeping, and washing the dishes can count as exercise. Indoor activities, such as walking in a mall or climbing stairs, can be effective, too. Just be sure to wear layers to protect against overheating or becoming too cold. Make a commitment to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and strength-training exercises each week.